What Is A Bank |
What is a bank?
What is a Bank? The whole business world would not be able to function properly if it had not been for the banks. These are large financial institutions authorized by the government for facilitating financial transactions. Banks can give credit as well as debit from customers. These are the pillars on which the entire business world operates. Banks in Canada are regarded to be one of the finest in the world. They are more profitable and stable than their counterparts in other industrialized countries. The government has stringent regulations on the working of the banks and they have to comply with them. This eliminates any chances of banks taking risks thereby providing more stability. The banks also have connections with a large number of famous international banks as well. This is very helpful for international organizations. Banking in Canada The experience of banking with Canadian banks is a pleasure. The procedure to create an account in Canada is pretty much straightforward. The banks despite the regulations provide excellent services and have flexible schemes for the customers. The banks implement their own Interest rate and no rate is prescribed by the government. The rates are usually dependent on the type of transaction, size of the bank and other reasons. The banks nowadays provide the option for banking online rather than going to your nearest branch. Most banks offer all services online. They also take steps to ensure the security of the data as well. They implement a three level security consisting of Client Endpoint Security at the browser, Wire Security by encryption and Trusted operations System for server side. The online account will get automatically expired if there is inaction for a period of twelve months or more. Operations in a bank account The customer can extract lots of information from the bank about the account. The various enquiries that could be made are about the balance in the account and other interest information. If the user makes any deposits then he can also make enquiries regarding date of maturity and other details. Other payment information can also be got by the customer. The credit information like Maximum Credit, Available credit, Amount of last advance can also be collected by the user about the account. Canadian Payments Association It is an NGO created to protect the interests of the stakeholders in the financial world. They strive towards implementing a national clearing and settlement system and to create a national payments system. They are responsible for maintaining a national system for the clearing and settlement of payments. They act as the facilitator for clearing transactions between various institutions. They also strive towards improving the system to face new challenges. They include the various institutions like the Bank of Canada, other privatized banks and non-financial organizations. Banks are the cornerstones for the financial world and any country’s financial strength depends on the state of the country’s banks. The Canadian banks are of high standards thereby protecting the system from crisis. The quality of the service offered by the banks also adds to their reputation. |