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RE: Which cash back credit card is the best?

Postby jonathanpaul » Fri Jul 16, 2010 06:27:33 AM


from the other thread, i was asking if the Capital One Aspire cards are the finest cash back cards and here i saw the Capital One Cash Back Platinum Plus. i am wondering which card now will give me more cash back.

with my credit card, i usually reach $10,000 of expenses out of my credit card. in this amount, what card will be ideal for me to use?

i can see the benefits of the card that it cash back percentage of 1% if reaching the amount of $10,000. so, it mean ill get $1000 in return. however, the Aspire card can give me huge amount of points coming from the dollars i spent with the card and other instant bonuses coming from the first usage and anniversary promo.

can you give me an advice which card is perfect for me?

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RE: Which cash back credit card is the best?

Postby CCResearcher » Sat Apr 24, 2010 07:31:03 AM

Which card is the best depends on how much you're spending each month.

* Capital One - Cash Back Plus Platinum MasterCard® The more you spend, the more you'll save.
* 1% cash back annually on total purchases up to $10,000
* 1.5% cash back annually on total purchases between $10,000.01 and $20,000
* 2% cash back annually on total purchases above $20,000

Capital One's card has a three tier spending schedule... if you're spending more than $20,000 per year then this is probably the best card to have in Canada.

PiaZallot.. if you're spending $4000 per month, you would get $850 cash back with this card in one year (You have to subtract from that the $99 annual fee.)

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RE: Which cash back credit card is the best?

Postby PiaZallot » Thu Apr 22, 2010 02:08:58 PM

I had the same question. Over the last five or six years I've been collecting travel rewards miles. We've got a few vacations so that was good. Now I'm trying to figure out where I can get my best value from rewards cards.

Generally we spend around $3-$4000 per month on credit cards. A lot of this is just made up of regular expenses such as groceries, gas , and we figured out how to pay for some utilities with credit cards.

I like to get a cashback credit card, and I'm just curious to know which one is the best? Anybody else have experience with her cashback credit cards?
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RE: Which cash back credit is the best?

Postby WilSK » Thu Apr 22, 2010 08:23:56 AM

the question that immediately occurs to me is this, will I get more cash value out of a cash back credit card, or a travel reward credit card?

I just spent some time looking at a few of the credit card sites and saw that some cashback cards have annual fees and may have different tier levels for spending. Some travel rewards cards have annual fees and some have really large annual fees which cover insurances, memberships and things I don't think I really need, but they give you more points

Are there any analysis on the Internet or on the site where people have actually sat down and figured these things out?

If I spent $25,000 per month and collect travel rewards points will that give me a better cash value than if I spend the same amount and collect one or 2% in cash back? There seem to be so many factors to take it into account
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RE: Which cash back credit is the best?

Postby bebiesean » Fri Mar 19, 2010 06:02:30 PM

First on my list would be MBNA - PremierRewards® MasterCard® . It has 1% back for every retail purchases and no maximum rebate. I think I could get the most of my cash back with this card.

Next would be Cash Back Platinum MasterCard® with No Hassle Rewards™. It has no annual fee, 0.5% cash back annually on total purchases up to $3,000 and 1% cash back annually on total purchases above $3,000. But if you don't spend this much, then it's not for you. But still, it's a good deal as far as cash backs go.
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Which cash back credit is the best?

Postby montyloree » Wed Mar 17, 2010 05:02:05 PM

Which cash back credit card do you use that gives you the highest amount of cash back?

Which cash back credit card would you promote?
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