Collection Agencies - Did anyone at CBV actually pass Grade 12 ? - Canada

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RE: Did anyone at CBV actually pass Grade 12 ?

Postby Canuckster2005 » Thu Apr 23, 2009 04:59:30 AM

Hi Montyloree,
I first of all asked his him for his name. he kept replying "Your friend", after I continued he stated once "alisor" , but upon replaying the recording, it was ARTHUR. . I finally received a phone call from Mr. Terry Narain (416-467-3549) who I was under the impression was the manager @ CBV. who then informed me it was "ARTHUR BHATI" with whom I spoke with. Mr. Narain was going to review his recording of this call, ( which I question of being legal as one party consent is for personal use, this is a commercial business which by law they must inform you that the call may be recorded, but failed to do so)
I was informed by Mr. Narain that he would be returning my call today after he did some investigation.I will keep this fine forum informed as things progress.
(Don't get mad,,, get even )
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RE: Did anyone at CBV actually pass Grade 12 ?

Postby montyloree » Thu Apr 23, 2009 01:38:00 AM

Have you asked the collection agent to give proof that they're licensed in your province?

By law the collection agent/agency must be licensed in your province.
You need to know their licensed before you talk to them.

Otherwise the phone call could be illegal... if they're not licensed.
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RE: Did anyone at CBV actually pass Grade 12 ?

Postby average_joe » Wed Apr 22, 2009 06:54:46 AM

Yes and good luck.
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RE: Did anyone at CBV actually pass Grade 12 ?

Postby Canuckster2005 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 06:49:21 AM

Thanks,,, ( I was born at night, but not last night !LOL)
Every rope has two ends ,, right !
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RE: Did anyone at CBV actually pass Grade 12 ?

Postby average_joe » Wed Apr 22, 2009 06:46:10 AM

I would not mention nothing to the supervisor about the recording and keep roping them in
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RE: Did anyone at CBV actually pass Grade 12 ?

Postby Canuckster2005 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 06:43:55 AM

The story gets interesting,, I just placed a call to "Alisor" @ CBV, no such person by that name, waiting on a "supervisor" now to return my call. Remember, don't get mad,,, get even !!
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RE: Did anyone at CBV actually pass Grade 12 ?

Postby average_joe » Wed Apr 22, 2009 06:38:10 AM

It's about time someone started to record collection agencies telephone calls. I always wanted to record their calls but never bought a telephone recorder. If you have them saying what you said, they could end up losing their license for six months, sued and you could have the debt with Telus written off. If you’re planning to go after them remember you can sue Telus because CBV works on their behalf. I hope you play your cards right and I would love to hear the outcome, good luck.

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Did anyone at CBV actually pass Grade 12 ?

Postby Canuckster2005 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 05:44:13 AM

I had the unfortunate opportunity to speak with CBV's "qualified" collector the other night who stated his name was "Alisor", This fine gentleman informed me of a Telus debt in the amount of $1785.80, but if I acted quickly, we could settle this a little over $1000, only if I acted now !
I laughed at him, which must have hit his "on button", then proceeded to call me a "welfare pig" "cheat" "loser" and other great descriptive words.
I sat back and laughed uncontrollably for 2 good reason's.
1) The actual person he wanted to talk with was my daughter "Breanne" who trust me, is female,not a grumpy old 51 year old male !
2) This is the best part,, because of past "problem's" with "certain callers" I've made it a habit of recording every phone call that I answer, therefore, Mr. "Alisor" you've violated many rules of collection, and I will be filing a complaint. We'll see who the "loser" is !!
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