Collection Agencies - Traffic fine in Ontario, almost 9 years ago - Canada

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RE: Phoney Degrees Catch UP To Buyers

Postby Raymond » Mon Dec 15, 2008 06:53:53 PM

When you renew your sticker, you'll notice there's a sign in every Ministry of Transportation outlet notifying you that part of their "privacy policy" is to sell your personal date to collection agencies (and just about anyone else on the planet whose trying to track you down). Welcome to PIPEDA.

Hope you don't owe the 407 or you could be in for another nasty surprise soon.


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RE: Phoney Degrees Catch UP To Buyers

Postby cork.dork » Mon Dec 15, 2008 05:44:47 PM

Would it matter is if the Drivers license was from Ontario?
I have changed it to a BC Drivers license shortly after and have updated when the time came and went and there have been no problems.
Why now all of the sudden am I getting calls from Collection agencies?

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Phoney Degrees Catch UP To Buyers

Postby Raymond » Sat Dec 13, 2008 07:24:03 PM

If anyone saw the front page story by Dale Brazao in today's Toronto Star about the widespread use of phoney university diplomas, it's quite an eye opener.

When perusing the web on debt settlement outfits, I was struck by the number of opeators who advertise no degree (financial or otherwise) at all. You would expect, if they had one they would affix it to their accreditations since it would be a strong selling point. However, the only letters attached to their names are generally "CDA" (Certified Debt Arbitrator) or the like. Perhaps it's because so many in the field come from collection agency backgrounds.


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Important Notice: Ontario Small Claims Court Limits

Postby Raymond » Sat Dec 13, 2008 07:11:54 PM

The Small Claims Court limit in Ontario is being increased form $10K to $25K, effective January, 2010. This will bring Ontario in line with provinces like British Columbia.

As well, the "simplified procedure" limit in Ontario Superior Court Civil trials is being increased to $100K from $50K.

On balance, this might be bad news for people in debt as the creditor will be able to more expediently pursue recovery for debts under $25K. They may have been less inclined to pursue debts in the $10K to $25K range previously because of the increased costs of Superior Court as opposed that of Small Claims. Conversely, this also implies that someone will be able to inexpensively take a collection agency to court for illegal harassment and seek amounts up to $25K.


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RE: Traffic fine in Ontario, almost 9 years ago

Postby Raymond » Sat Dec 13, 2008 06:38:45 PM

Dear Dorky Corky,

There is no limitation period on Crown fines anywhere and your licence can be suspended for unpaid fines whether for CCC or HTA offences. What's happened with yours, only the MTO can say for sure.


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RE: Traffic fine in Ontario, almost 9 years ago

Postby drunkbeerguy » Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:31:50 AM

Cork....are you sure your license isn't already suspended (administrative suspension)?

Unlike deliquent accounts, your drivers record isn't going anywhere. Have you been pulled over in the last 8 years after you got your license back? You had to of renewed your license between now and then? The Registars office would have told you to pay the fine before they could issue you anything......including a license plate renewal.
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RE: Traffic fine in Ontario, almost 9 years ago

Postby montyloree » Sat Dec 13, 2008 09:41:24 AM

hey cork.dork,

that's crazy... i would have to ask Raymond what the statutes of limitations are for civil fines and also dealing with collection agencies.

you should ask them flat out.... "where is the legislation that allows you to suspend my drivers license." I'd be interested to hear the answer.

Keep in mind that there are no laws that say you must deal with a collection agency. There are no laws that say a munipal govt can hire a collection agency, to the best of my knowledge.

I had this argument with parking enforcement in Manitoba.

I'm thinking that this would probably fall under Statutes of Limitations.

If you call the municipal government authority in your area, can you ask them what the legislation is that allows the municipal govt to hire a collecton agency? Please let me know.
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Traffic fine in Ontario, almost 9 years ago

Postby cork.dork » Sat Dec 13, 2008 07:21:52 AM

I was fine with a DUI in Ontario in Jan 2000. Took it to court, was fined but never paid.

Now I am getting calls from ARO who claim they are able to suspend my Drivers license.

Is this possible?
Will this affect my credit rating?
How long is a debt "alive" for?
And I never once got a letter in the mail regarding this situation.


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