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RE: So if Ms Cook goes for garishment how soon will

Postby franniee2003 » Sun Dec 07, 2008 07:58:02 PM

SO now we wait and see as for the letters I only wanted them to send me the information on my debt and I also sent one to the LAw society about there evil lawyer which I never heard back on. And as for the $200 you are right.
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RE: So if Ms Cook goes for garishment how soon will

Postby Raymond » Sun Dec 07, 2008 07:26:49 PM

OK, that's what I thought. By sending you that bogus document, they were really telling you they have no intention of suing you.

So the best thing to do is to make a paper airplane out of it and fly it out the nearest window. If you don't know how, I'm sure "averagejoe" will be able to help you. I understand he has a lot of them in his fleet.

And unless you were going to countersue for the 300% false collection penalty, you may have wasted $200.

Bad idea though sending those 3 letters to the collection agency. If you signed them, you renewed the SOL so they can blackmail you for another 5 years. Bad idea!

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RE: So if Ms Cook goes for garishment how soon will

Postby franniee2003 » Sun Dec 07, 2008 05:54:12 PM

No the form they sent my boss has all the other information on it but no court seal and I still wonder if they are trying for a default judgement
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RE: So if Ms Cook goes for garishment how soon will

Postby Raymond » Sun Dec 07, 2008 05:27:08 PM

1) Does the form you were sent have an official court seal beside the date?

2) And since they have to serve the Statement of Claim by giving it to you personally or by registered mail, how come they faxed it?

3) And why isn't there a hearing date listed on it?


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RE: So if Ms Cook goes for garishment how soon will

Postby franniee2003 » Sun Dec 07, 2008 04:14:08 PM

That form you printed for me is a copy of one very close to the one my bos was faxed only difference it was signed my the collection agency so that means a form is already been filled and could be on the way to the court house Tuesday
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RE: So if Ms Cook goes for garishment how soon will

Postby Raymond » Sun Dec 07, 2008 03:53:44 PM

There you go: Punch in your name after clicking the 2 upcoming trial sessions in Winnipeg Small Claims Court at 9:00 and 12:00

And until you get one of these

Save yourself $200 and repeat after me

F*** Off!!
F*** Off!!
F*** Off!!
Altogether now.......

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RE: So if Ms Cook goes for garishment how soon will

Postby franniee2003 » Sun Dec 07, 2008 03:24:10 PM

All we are getting is the run around and I am worried about them pushing though a default judgement cause I never got the paper work The people who work at the Kenora court house are not to swift and that is what worries me. As for the Mantioba court judgement no record of them getting one yet as I keep calling the clerk of the court but whathappens if they put though a default judgement my law clinic people cant get any where also
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RE: So if Ms Cook goes for garishment how soon will

Postby Raymond » Sun Dec 07, 2008 03:15:00 PM

Franniee, we've spent over 150 posts on this back and forth! Almost a blogpost world record! And we are practically no further ahead. And those guys at the law clinic seem to be accomplishing less - assuming they are even trying.

At this point do nothing - until you receive official court papers that say "Statement of Claim" across the top - except to tell them when they call:

Repeat after me!

F*** Off!!!
F*** Off!!
F*** Off!!
F*** Off!!
F*** Off!!

I caaannnnn'ttt heeaaarrrr yoouuuuu! ......LOUDER!!

F*** OFF!

For extra effect, add strong egg nog!

That's the advice I should have been giving you all along.

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RE: So if Ms Cook goes for garishment how soon will

Postby vampchick21 » Sun Dec 07, 2008 02:53:52 PM earlier post from Frannie that she started.


Pst, Frannie, it's easier on everyone if you didn't start a new topic for every question you ask on your problem. Keep it all in one thread so that people can actually help you.
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RE: So if Ms Cook goes for garishment how soon will

Postby Raymond » Sun Dec 07, 2008 02:50:51 PM

I don't think so. I can't even figure out who Ms. Cook is.

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