by Ottawa_Chap » Sun Dec 07, 2008 06:17:02 PM
I tend to concur with your thinking regarding the mind-set of the US Auto-makers. Here we were in the last few years with the price of fuel going up, and the GM's, Ford's, etc.. refused to catch on that perhaps they should start developing and producing hybrid vehicles.
The Honda's of the world certainly understood that the average consumer needed more fuel efficient cars to keep their own purse-strings in-check; hence why imports have gained a larger market share.
So in my opinion, if GM, Ford and Chrysler fall, well, such is life. The by-product will be some serious short-to-mid term pain to the economy, but other car manufactures' will step in to fill their shoes and give the consumer what they desire - better built and more fuel efficient vehicles. Eventually jobs at those factories will be created, and stability will return.
Infuriating one C/A at a time..